
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Subject and Verb Agreement - Interactive Lesson in (Reading) English 3

Lesson: Subject and Verb Agreement
Objective: Use the singular/plural form of noun with verbs of being
Grade: 3
Subject: English (Reading)
File: Interactive Flash (swf)

To make the subject and the verb agree, a singular subject takes a verb that ends in “s”.
To make the subject and the verb agree, a plural subject takes a verb that does not end in “s”.

Here are some examples:

Verbs ending in “s”
Juliet sleeps early.
She wakes up early, too.
She fixes her bed.
She takes a bath.
She gets ready for school.
He sells newspaper.
He takes care of his dog.

Verbs not ending in “s”
Adora and Nida sleep early.
They wake up early, too.
They fix their bed.
They take a bath.
They get ready for school.
I sell newspapers.
You take care of your dog.

Note: He and she take verbs ending in “s”.
They, I, You, and We take verbs not ending in “s”.

To better understand the lesson, please watch the video demonstration and download the flash file below.
Download Subject and Verb Agreement flash - Interactive Lesson in (Reading) English 3

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