
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Finding the Rate when the Percentage and Base are Given - Interactive Math Lesson

Title: Finding the Rate when the Percentage and Base are Given
File: Interactive PowerPoint
Grade Level: 5-6

Lesson Plan on Finding the Rate when the Percentage and Base are Given

I. Learning Objectives
  • Cognitive:    Find the rate or percent when the percentage and base are given
  • Psychomotor: 1. Write the data for percentage and base using Techan's triangle 2. Write an equation or proportion to solve problems
  • Affective:    Use resources wisely
II. Learning Content
Skills:    1. Finding the rate when the percentage and base are given
2. Writing an equation or proportion in solving problems
3. Writing the data for rate and base in the Techan's triangle
Reference:    BEC PELC II.L.3.2.2 and 3.1
Materials:    math textbook
Value:    Using resources wisely
Ill. Learning Experiences
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Mental Computation: Drill on Renaming Decimal to Percent, Fraction to Decimal, Ratio to Percent
a. Activity 1- Naming the Baby
Materials:    flashcards with percent
a) Ask each pair of pupils to name the baby (the question on the card).
Sample flash cards:
• 2:8 in percent is
• 0.35 in percent is
• 2 in decimal is
b) The answer is written on their Show Me Board.
b. Activity 2— Find My Partner
Materials:    flashcards with decimals, ratio, fractions, percent Mechanics:
a) Each pupil should be given a flashcard with question on it. Sample:
25%     0.25    0    5    0.2    10:100    10%    1/5
b) Each pupil has to decide on the time limit in looking for their partner.
c) Each pupil has to look for their partner within the time limit prescribed.
d) The pairs having their cards flashed should be checked.

2. Motivation

Ask the pairs of pupils on how they use their school supplies. Sample: "Do you use the front and back page of your notebook? Why?"

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
a. Activity I - Use of Compatible Numbers Through a Transparent Plastic
10 x 10 square — manipulatives
Jethro's teacher tells them to use bond paper of 5 or less for their Math project. If Jethro uses 3 sheets, what percent of the bond papers does he use?
1) Ask the following:
a) Who is making use of bond paper?
b) Who tells them to use bond paper?
c) What does their teacher tell them on how to use their bond paper?
d) How many sheets of bond paper does Jethro use?
e) If you were Jethro, will you be doing the same? Why?
2) Get a big square having 5 equal parts and shade the 3 parts to represent the 3 sheets. The big square has the same size and shape with the transparent 10 x 10 square. Place this 10 x 10 square on top of the big square. Lead them relate the equivalent of shaded 3 parts to 10 x 10 square.
3) Let the pupils answer the following questions.
a) What are the given facts?
Let them point to which among the given answers for the base and percentage using the Techan's Triangle.'
b) Guide them to decide what to do to come up at the answer.
c) What equation best suits in the problem? Ask the pupils to write the equation about the problem. Have each pair of pupils relate the formulated equation to the manipulatives as in:
3 out of 5 sheets of bond paper
3/5 x100=N=0.6x100=60%
d) What proportion best translates the problem? Have the pairs of pupils write the proportion to arrive at the answer of the problem and use the counters in relating the formulated proportion and the solution as in:
            3/5 =  N                                           3:5 = N:100
            5 x N = 3 x 100                                5 x N = 3 x 100
            5N = 300                                         5N = 300
            N = 300/5                                        N = 300/5
            N = 60%                                          N = 60%
b. Activity 2 — Use of Real Situation Problem as Opener
Sixto, a grade six pupil nas 24 sheets of art paper for his, project in Math. If 6 sheets of art paper were used by Sixto, what percent of the sheets of art paper does he use?
1) Ask the pupils the following questions:
      a) Who uses art paper for Math project?
      b) How many sheets of art paper does he have?
      c) How many sheets of art paper does he use?
      d) If you were Sixto, will you be using all the sheets of art paper and ask some more? Why?
      e) do what Sixto has done if you were Sixto? Why?
2) Let the pupils analyze the problem.
      a) What does the problem want you to solve for?
      b) What are the data given?
      c) What are the data needed? Ask them determine the base and percentage in the Techan's Triangle.
      d) What will you do to find the answer?
      e) What equation best translates the problem?
      f) Guide the pupils write the equation to solve the problem.
      g) What proportion fits in the problem? Lead them write-the proportion.
                 6/24 = N/100                          6:24 = N :100
                 24 x N=6x100                            24 x N = 6 x 100
                  24N = 600 /100                            24N = 600
                  N = 600/24                                       N = 600/24
                  N = 25%                                          N = 25%

2. Generalization
How do you find the rate or percent when the base and percentage are given?

C. Application
     Solve the problem.
        a) Ricardo got 90% of a 20-item test in Math. How many items did he answer correctly?
        b) In a school of 680 Grade 6 pupils, 646 graduated. What percent of the enrolment graduated? How many did not graduate?
        c) One stormy day, 12 pupils of Mrs. Loyola were absent. If there are 50 pupils in the class, what percent of the class is absent? present?

IV. Evaluation
1) ____ % of 10 = 2                                         8) what percent of 800 is 400?
2) N% of 28 is 14                                             9) 7.5 is what percent of 30?
3) What percent of 20 is 5?                              10)18 is N% of 24
4) 4 is what percent of 20?                               11) ____ % of 1000 = 2
5) 18 is N% of 30                                            12) N% of 800 is 300
6) ____ % of 80 = 20                                      13) What percent of 940 is 89?
7) N% of 180 is 35                                          14) 20 is what percent of 40
                                                                        15) 90 is N% of 3600

V. Assignment: Solve.
1) 657 is N% of 876
2) ___% of 250 = 245
3) Out of 50 pupils, only 48 joined the educational trip. What percent joined the trip?
4) Of 40 pupils only 30 pupils passed their project on time. What percent passed their project?
5) In a Grade 6 class of 40 pupils, 36 pupils attended the meeting of the Math Club. What percent of the class attended the meeting?

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