
How to Use

How to Use these Resources to Different Interactive Whiteboard Software.

For Microsoft PowerPoint:

1. Just double click on the PowerPoint file and it will open automatically.
2. Click on slideshow on the tool bar.

To import PowerPoint files to Smart Notebook for Smartboards:

In the SMART Notebook window, select File; Import.
a. The Open dialog box appears.
b. Browse to and select the PowerPoint file you want to import.
c. Press Open.
d. The PowerPoint file opens in the .notebook file.
e. You can then edit them if you want.

Importing PowerPoint Files into ActivInspire:

1. Click on the Main Menu icon, click Import. Here you have the choice of importing PowerPoint presentations into images or PowerPoint presentations into objects. I recommend importing as objects because it will allow you to manipulate text, backgrounds, images and more.
2. After importing your PPT presentation, save it as a flipchart.
3. After the import is completed you may now add something or edit your new flipchart as wanted.

NOTE: SMART Notebook and Acitivinspire do not import some gradient, pattern and image effects.

Flash Presentations and Games need Adobe Flash player 9 or later installed in your computer.