
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Changing Improper Fractions to Mixed Forms - Interactive Maths Module (Grade 4)

Changing Improper Fractions to Mixed Forms - Interactive Maths Module (Grade 4)Lesson: Changing Improper Fractions to Mixed Forms
Objective: Change improper fraction to mixed forms and vice versa
Grade: 4

This module differentiates a fraction in mixed forms from an improper fraction. It also introduces the method in changing one of these forms to the other using models.


Philippine copyright 2006 by Science Education Institute and Advanced

Science & Technology Institute
User License Agreement

Comparing Fractions - Interactive Math Lesson Module for Grade 4

Comparing Fractions - Interactive Math Lesson Module for Grade 4This is a module on comparing fractions. It introduces the fraction chart as a means to compare common fractions. It involves comparison of fractions with the same numerator, fractions with the same denominator, and fractions that do not have the same numerator and denominator. Likewise, it presents the greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols to compare fractions. It also presents a method in arranging fractions from smallest to greatest and vice-versa.

Philippine copyright 2006 by Science Education Institute and Advanced

Science & Technology Institute
User License Agreement

Area of a Parallelogram - Interactive Mathematics Lesson Module (Grade 4)

Area of a Parallelogram - Interactive Mathematics Lesson Module (Grade 4)Lesson: Finding the Area of a Parallelogram
1. Find the area of parallelogram in square metre/ centimetre
2. Derive a formula for finding the area of a parallelogram

This module is about deriving the formula for the area of a parallelogram from the knowledge of the area of a rectangle. A working knowledge of the concept of the area of a parallelogram is enhanced by a series of exercises that require the pupil to find the area of a parallelogram when the base and height are given, or find the base or height when the area and any one of base or height is given.


Philippine copyright 2006 by Science Education Institute and Advanced

Science & Technology Institute
User License Agreement