
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Electric and Water Consumption - Interactive Math Lesson (Powerpoint)

Lesson: Electric and Water Consumption
File: Interactive Powerpoint
Grade: 5-6

Slide 1:
1. Read and interpret electric meter and water meter
2. Solve for the electric and water consumptions

Slide 2:
What electrical appliances do you have at home?
How much do your parents pay for your monthly electric bill?
How would you help lessen your electric consumption?

Slide 3:
Move your hand clockwise.
Now, move your hand counter clockwise.
Slide 4: Read and Interpret Electric Meter using interactive models
Slide 5: Sample Problem:
The Matipid family monitors closely their electric consumption. This month, the reading on their dial is 5634, last month it was 5554. How many Kwh was used?

Slide 6:
a) What are given?
b) How do you find the answer?
c) What is the answer?

Slide 7:
To find the electric consumption:
Present reading minus previous reading

Slide 8:
Study the table and compute the Kwh used.

Slide 9:
1) Which household consumed the most? the least?
2) Which two household consumed almost the same kwh? What can you say about their bill?
3) As a member of the household, how can you lower your electric bill?
4) Why is it important to use electricity wisely?

Slide 10:
How do the dials of the electric meter move?
How do you read the dials of a meter?
How do you find the electric consumption?

Slide 11:
Let’s Apply
Draw a dial to show the readings.
Get the difference of:
1 and 2
3 and 4
4 and 5

Slide 12:
Use this dials to get the previous and present reading. Then, solve for the electric consumption.

Slide 13:
How is the volume of water consumption computed?
To find the electric consumption: Present reading minus previous reading

Slide 14:
The reading is 420 m3.
473 represents liters.
Do not read these numbers

(Exercises are included in the Presentation)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Estimating With Decimals - Interactive Math Lesson

Lesson: Estimating With Decimals
Objective: Estimate sums of decimals
Grade: 5-6
File: Interactive Powerpoint Presentation and pdf

Contents Summary:

Review on Rounding decimal numbers:
-Identify the place you are rounding to, and place a circle around it.
-Check the digit to the right.  If it is more than or equal to 5, then the number in the circle increases by one.  If it is less than 5, then the number in the circle stays the same.
-Keep everything before the circle.  Everything after the circle becomes zero.  If the zeroes come at the end of a decimal, they can be dropped.

Different strategies in estimating decimals:
1. Estimating to the nearest whole number - Round to the ones place, and drop the decimal part of your number.
2. Front end Estimation - a. Add the “front-end” digits, ignoring the decimals. b. Estimate the decimals. c. Add the decimal estimate to the front-end sum.
3. Estimating Using Rounding - Round each decimal to a designated place value, then add to estimate the sum.

More examples are in the presentation.

Estimating With Decimals - Interactive Powerpoint Presentation

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Divisibility Rules - Interactive Math Lesson (Powerpoint)

Divisibility Rules
File:  Interactive lesson (Pptx)
Subject: Mathematics
Lesson: Divisibility Rules
Grade Level: 5-6

Dividing by 1:
All numbers are divisible by 1.

Divisible by 2:
All even numbers are divisible by 2.
Even numbers are numbers that end with either 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0.

Divisible by 3:
Add up the digits of the number.
If that number is divisible by 3, then the original number is.
If your sum is still a big number, continue to add the digits.

Dividing by 4:

If the last 2 digits together are divisible by 4.

Dividing by 5:

If the number ends in 5 or 0.

Dividing by 6:

If the number is divisible by 2 and 3.

Divisible by 7:
There is no specific rule. It can be done through manual division.

Divisible by 8:
If the last three digits are divisible by 8.
If the number is divisible by 2, then by 2 again, and then by 2 again.

Divisible by 9;
The same as dividing by 3.
Add up all the digits.
If that number is divisible by 9 then it is divisible by 9.

Dividing by 10:
If the number ends with a 0.

Watch this video first and decide if you like it before downloading PowerPoint.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Math Interactive Lesson - Dividing Decimals

This Math module contains lessons on dividing decimals

Lesson Title: Dividing Decimals
File: Interactive Math PowerPoint presentation
Grade: 6

Things to Do in Dividing a Decimal by a Whole Number
1. Place the decimal point in the quotient directly above the decimal point in the dividend.
2. Divide as you normally would (DMSBR)
Bring down
Repeat or Remainder

Dividing a Decimal by a Decimal
1. Move the decimal point in the divisor to the right, until you get to the end of the digits.
2. Count how many places you moved that decimal.
3. Move the decimal point in the dividend the same number of places to the right that you moved the decimal point in the divisor.

Dividing Decimals (PDF)

Division of Decimals - Interactive Powerpoint

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Interactive Math Lesson - Multiplying Decimals Up to the Hundredths Place

File:  Smartboard's Interactive Math Lesson - Multiplying Decimals (notebook file)
Subject: Mathematics
Lesson: Multiplying Decimals Up to the Hundredths Place
Grade Level: 5-6
1. Multiply decimals using models.
2. Multiply whole numbers by decimals
3. Multiply decimals up to the hundredths place

How to Multiply Decimals:
Multiplying  when one or more of the factors is a decimal number is like multiplying with whole numbers.
The number of decimal places in the product is equal to the sum of the number of decimal places in the factors.

Free Download of Multiplying Decimals (notebook file)
Smartboard's Interactive Math Lesson - Multiplying Decimals (notebook file)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Interactive Whiteboard Lesson - Comparing and Ordering Decimals

Comparing and Ordering Decimals
Interactive Whiteboard Lesson
Resource type: SMART Notebook lesson
Subject: Mathematics
Grade: Grade 5,  Grade 6

Comparing Decimals
If there are two decimal numbers we can compare them.  One number is either greater than, less than or equal to the other number.
Therefore, when decimals are compared start with tenths place and then hundredths place, etc. If one decimal has a higher number in the tenths place then it is larger than a decimal with fewer tenths. If the tenths are equal compare the hundredths, then the thousandths etc. until one decimal is larger or there are no more places to compare. If each decimal place value is the same then the decimals are equal.

Ordering Decimals
We can order decimals from least to greatest or we can order from greatest to least.
Let’s try an example:

Order 12, 13.8, 12.65, and 12.01 from least to greatest.

First, line up the decimal points.
Next, annex zeros so that each number has the same number of decimal places
Finally, use place value to compare the decimals. Always start from the left.
So, the answer is 12, 12.01, 12.65, 1nd 13.8

See more of the lesson:
Free Download
Comparing and Ordering Decimals - Interactive Whiteboard Lesson
Interactive Whiteboard Lesson - Comparing and Ordering Decimals

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Smartboard's Interactive Math Game - Basic Addition Board Game

Another fun way to practice addition facts for primary grades.
File:  Smartboard's Interactive Math Game - Basic Addition Board Game (notebook file)
Subject: Mathematics
Lesson: Basic Addition Facts
Grade Level: 1-2
Objective: Practice basic addition using board game.

Rules of the Game:
1. Roll the dice and count ahead according to the number that shows up.
2. When a player lands on a space, he/she solves the problem and finds the answer within a given time.
3. Follow the instructions on the other spaces.
4. When the player landed on the mad, dent and wink, he/she loses to turn to solve a problem. So, he/she stops there and wait for his/her turn.
5. The first player who reach finish line wins the game.
Smartboard's Interactive Math Game - Basic Addition Board Game (notebook file)

 Free Download - Smartboard's Interactive Math Game - Addition Board Game

Smartboard's Interactive Math Game - Division Board Game

Here is a fun way to practice division without remainders.
File:  Smartboard's Interactive Math Game - Division Board Game (notebook file)
Subject: Mathematics
Grade Level: 5-6
Objective: Practice division using board game.

Rules of the Game:
1. Roll the dice and count ahead according to the number that shows up.
2. When a player lands on a space, he/she solves the problem and finds the answer within a given time.
3. The instructions on the other spaces are pretty straightforward.
4. When the player landed on the ball, star and sun, he/she loses to turn to solve a problem. So, he/she stops there. Wait until her/his next move.
5. The first player who reach finish line wins the game.

Smartboard's Interactive Math Game - Division Board Game (notebook file)

Free Download: Smartboard's Interactive Math Game - Division Board Game (notebook file)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Smartboard's Interactive Math Module - Addition of Dissimilar Fractions

Addition of Dissimilar Fractions
Lesson Objective:
Add dissimilar fractions.

What are inside the presentation?
How do we add dissimilar fractions?
1. List the multiples of both denominators.
2. Find The LCD.
3. Change to similar fractions
4. Add the numerators
5. Write the denominator

Let’s illustrate the steps with examples (You can find the illustrations in the PowerPoint presentation.)

(Plus more interactive exercises....)

Watch this video first before downloading the Pptx.
Download Addition of Dissimilar Fractions Interactive PowerPoint Presentation
Addition of Dissimilar Fractions Interactive PowerPoint Presentation

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Smartboards Interactive: Addition and Subtraction of Similar Fractions

What are similar fractions?

Similar fractions are fractions having the same denominators.
¼ and 2/4 are similar fractions.

How to add and subtract similar fractions?

You can add and subtract similar fractions easily - simply add or subtract the numerators and write the sum over the common denominator.

Download Interactive Smart Notebook lesson:
Addition and Subtraction of Similar Fractions
Grade: Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6
Smartboards Interactive: Addition and Subtraction of Similar Fractions

Download Interactive Powerpoint:
Addition and Subtraction of Similar Fractions
Interactive Powerpoint:  Addition and Subtraction of Similar Fractions

Math Game: Division by One Digit Divisor - Interactive Whiteboard

Parts of a division problem?
The dividend is the number you are dividing
The divisor is the number you are dividing by
The quotient is the evenly divided result
The remainder is what is left over that cannot be evenly divided

How do you solve a division problem?
1. Find the multiple of the divisor that comes closest to that number, without going higher.
Use your knowledge of math facts, or a multiplication grid.
2. Multiply the number that is the factor that you found times the divisor.
3. subtract the number you got by multiplying the divisor, from the number in the dividend.
The difference must be smaller than the divisor.
4. bring down the next number, from the number in the dividend.
5. Repeat the process for the ten's.

Try this game Fling the Teacher.
Math Game: Division by One Digit Divisor (for Interactive Whiteboard Use or any PC)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Smartbords Interactive Lesson: Multiplication of a Fraction by Another Fraction

Lesson Objective:
Multiply a fraction by another fraction

Teachers' notes:
Subject: Math
Topic: Multiplying fractions
Grade/s: 5-6
Prior knowledge: Concept of Fractions

Lesson notes:
This lesson activity can introduce or review concepts in multiplying fractions.

Contents of the Multiplication of a Fraction by Another Fraction Smart notebook file:

Translating a fraction into an equation

Problem Opener:
A farmer plowed 3/4 of his field. Then he planted rice on 2/3 of the plowed part. What fractional part of his field was planted with rice?

What fraction of the field is plowed?
What fraction of the plowed part is planted?
What fraction of the field is part planted?
What equation translate "2/3 of 3/4 is 6/12"?
How do you multiply fractions?

How to Multiply Fractions
1. Multiply the numerators.
2. Multiply the denominators.
3. Reduce the fraction if necessary.

Practice Multiplying Fractions
On the next page, work out the answer to each problem and simplify.
Then select your choice.

Plus more exercises.

Smartbords Interactive Lesson: Multiplication of a Fraction by Another Fraction

Free Download Multiplication of a Fraction by Another Fraction Smart notebook file: