
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Math: Fraction - Smart Boards Interactive Lesson

By the end of this session the student should be able to: 

1. Define and identify the numerator and denominator.
2. Understand the concept of equivalent fractions.
3. Understand and define like and unlike fractions. 
4. Understand the concept of a common denominator.
5. Add and subtract fractions.

After this session the students should not only be able to identify a fraction and be able to distinguish between whole numbers and fractions. They identify the numerator and denominator. The lesson later looks at equivalent fractions and mixed fractions, following which the students will get a better idea about equivalent and how to spot them. They will also know how to convert a mixed fraction into improper fraction and vice versa. The chapter also sheds light on addition and subtraction having a common denominator. This will help the students add and subtract the fractions better.

Math: Fraction - Smart Boards Interactive Lesson
Math: Fraction - Smart Boards Interactive Lesson

Watch this video first before downloading - Illustration of Fractions Pptx
Here is another Fraction Lesson for Grades 2-3 Download Fraction Illustration - Interactive Math PowerPoint Presentation

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Quadrilaterals Song for Whiteboard or PC

Quadrilaterals Song
(Tune - Planting Rice is Never Fun)

All squares are rectangles, but rectangles are not squares.
Both the sides are right angles form by all the line segments.
Trapezoids, rhombuses, squares and parallelograms,
they belong yes they do. They are quadrilaterals.

Whiteboard Resources - Quadrilaterals Song

Download this whiteboard resource to here the song.
Quadrilaterals Song - PowerPoint

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Finding the Area of a Trapezoid - Smart Boards Interactive Lesson

Finding the Area of a Trapezoid - Smart Boards Interactive Lesson

Finding the Area of a Trapezoid - Smart Boards Interactive Lesson

Learning objectives: Find the area formula of a trapezoid.
Solve problems involving area of a trapezoid
File type: SMART Notebook lesson
Subject: Mathematics
Grade: Grade 5, Grade 6

Area of a Triangle - Smart Boards Notebook lesson

Finding the Area of a Triangle

Area of a Triangle - Smart Boards Interactive Notebook  lesson

Finding the Area of a Triangle
File type: SMART Notebook lesson
Subject: Mathematics
Grade: Grade 5, Grade 6

Lesson Plan
Finding the Area Formula of a Triangle

Giving the Area of a Parallelogram

1) Ask pupil to create problems about finding the area of a parallelogram.
2) Teacher call the first player to read the problem he/she prepared. After reading he/she call one of his/her classmate to answer his/her problem.
3) If the answer is correct, the pupil gets a point, it's hi/her turn to call anyone to answer the question he/she prepared.
2. The formula in finding the area of a parallelogram. Area of a Parallelogram = Base x Height
3. A triangle is 2 of a parallelogram; therefore the formula in
finding the area of a triangle is to divide the product of the base and the height by 2.

Area of a Parallelogram - A=bh
Area of a Triangle - A= 1/2 bh or bh/2

Monday, March 26, 2012

Math Game: Multiplication of One and Two Digit Numbers

How do we multiply whole numbers?

a. Write the numbers in column form.
b. Multiply the ones digit of the multiplier by the multiplicand. Start at the ones digit of the multiplicand.
c. Multiply the tens digit of the multiplier by the multiplicand. Start at the ones digit of the multiplicand.
Continue multiplying with all the digits in the multiplier.
d. Add the products.

Try this game Fling the Teacher.
Math Game: Multiplication of One and Two Digit Numbers (for Interactive Whiteboard Use or any PC)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Math Quiz: Multiplication Game (1 digit)

Play Multiplication Game - Fling the Teacher
For Interactive Whiteboard

Finding the Area of Plane Figures - Math Module

Interactive quiz for use in Smartboards

Answer the following questions on finding the area of plane figures.

  • Find the area of a table top which measures 3.5 m and 2.7 m on its bases and 4.2 m wide.
  • An equilateral tringle has a base of 1.2 cm and a height of 10.3 cm. Find the area of the triangle.
  • A triangular lot measures 27 m by 15 m. What is its area?
  • What is the area of a parallelogram whose base measures 29.5 meters and the height is 20.6 meters?
  • A table measures 56 centimeters on each side. What is the area of the table?
Smartboards: Finding the Area of Plane Figures - Math Module

Friday, March 9, 2012

Adding and Subtracting Decimals - Math Module, Lesson plan

Adding and Subtracting Decimals - Interactive Whiteboard Resources

Lesson Plan:
Adding and Subtracting Decimals
When we add or subtract decimal numbers, we obtain a decimal number. What technique should we use when we cannot use a calculator?

I. The numbers are written with the same number of decimal places
    We just need to place the digits of the same place values in the same columns.
We correctly line up the digits of the whole numbers. Then, to the right of the decimal point, we place the digits for the tenths under one another, and so on for the hundredths and the other decimals.
Then we can carry out the addition using the normal technique.

II. The numbers are not written with the same number of decimal places
It is always possible to write the decimal numbers with the same number of decimal places by adding zeros to the right of the decimal point.

Thus, 59.8 – 2.934 = 59.800 – 2.934. By laying out the numbers in the same way as before.
Borrow 10 from the digit on the left.
Then we can carry out the subtraction using the normal technique.

Adding and Subtracting Decimals - Interactive PowerPoint lesson

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Math Module - Finding the Area of a Parallelogram (Pptx)

Finding the Area of a Parallelogram

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral where the opposite sides are congruent and parallel.
A rectangle is a type of parallelogram, but we often see parallelograms that are not rectangles (parallelograms without right angles).

Side AC has the same length as side BD.
Side AB has the same length as side CD.

Any side of a parallelogram can be considered a base.  The height of a parallelogram is the perpendicular distance between opposite bases.
The area formula is A=bh

How do we find the area of a parallelogram?
Remember :
    To find the area of a parallelogram, use the formula
A = b x h

Finding the Area of a Circle - Math Module

Finding the Area of a Circle

How to find the area of a circle?
The area of a circle can be found by multiplying pi ( π = 3.14) by the square of the radius
If a circle has a radius of 9, its area is 3.14 x 9 x 9 = 254.34 square units
If you know the diameter, the radius is 1/2 as large.

The area of a circle with Radius = 9 cm,
Area =  is 254.34 square cm

Use the Formula
A = π r2
Area = pi times radius squared

Watch this video first before downloading the Pptx

PowerPoint presentation for interactive whiteboard

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Math Module - Evaluating Expressions Involving Exponents


- In general, if N is the number of days the cancer cells has been present, then the expression for the number of calls present during the nth day is 2n The letter n is called an exponent of base 2.
- In 22, what is the exponent? What is the base? In 23? 24? etc. What does the exponent indicate?
(It indicates the number of repeated multiplication)
- So, what does 23 mean?
(it means 2 x 2 x 2)
- How is it read? ("two to the third power" or "two with the exponent three") Give some more examples.
- What does the exponent tell us? What is base?

2. Fixing Skills
Let us have 3 learning stations. Do the activity in each learning station by group. Once you have finished an activity, go to the next station and do the activity indicated there. Do the activities as fast as you can.

Learning Station 1
Write the number using an exponent then answer.
1. 7x7x7=
2. 8x8x8x8x8x8=
3. 6x6x6x6=
4. Two to the seventh power
5. Six with the exponent nine

Learning Station 2
Write the factored form then answer.
1. 63
2. 38
3. 104
4. 342
5. 75
Learning Station 3
Fill in the blanks with the correct exponent form, then answer.
1. 16 = 4 x 4 = ______ = ______
    16 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = ______ = ______
2. 81 = 9 x 9 = _____ = ______
    81 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = _____ = ______
3. 100 = 10 x 10 = ______ = _______
    100 = 2 x 5 x 2 x 5 = _________ = _______
4. 125 = 5 x 5 x 5 = ______ = _______
5. 144 = 12 x 12 = _______ = _______
     144 = 3 x 4 x 3 x 4 = ________ = _______

The exponent tells the number of times the base is used as a factor. The base is the number used as the factor. The equation is the mathematical statement that two numbers or expressions are equal.

Based on tables 1, 2, and 3, how many cancer cells have grown on the fifteenth day?

A. Formative Test
Directions: Complete the following sentences.
1. In 53,______ is the base and_____ is the exponent.
2. 62 is the exponent form of 6 x _____.
3. 144 is the _____ power of 12.
4. 24 means 2 multiplied by itself _____ times.
5. 74 means ____is multiplied by itself four times.

B. Give the value of the following.
1. 63 = _____               4. 92 = _______
2. 45 = _____               5. 74 = _______
3. 27 = ______

V. Assignment
Fill in the blanks.
1. 9 = 3 x 3 = 3-
2. 16 = ____ x _____ = _____2
3. 8 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 2-
4. 102 = 10 x 10 = ______
5. 103 = ____ x _____ x _____ = ______
Complete the Pattern.

31         32         33         34         35         36         37
3          9          27        ___      ___      ___      ___

Interactive Math Module - Evaluating Expressions Involving Exponents (PowerpointPresentation)

View the presentation live here.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Numerical Expressions - Math 6 Module


Giving the Meaning of Expression and Translating Word Phrases to Numerical Expressions

I. Learning Objectives

Cognitive: Define expression

Translate word phrases to numerical expressions

Psychomotor: Write the correct numerical expressions

Affective: Appreciate good deeds of past presidents

II. Learning Content

Skills: 1. Defining expressions

2. Translating mathematical phrases to expressions

References: BEC PELC A. 1.1.1

Materials: Interactive PowerPoint presentation, chart, stopwatch, pictures of Philippine Presidents,

Value: Nationalism

III. Learning Experiences

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill on Giving Terms or Phrases that Refer to Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication or Division

Game: "Name-the-Baby"

a) Divide the class into 2 groups.

b) Teacher gives an operation, say "addition."

c) Each member's of the groups simultaneously goes to the board and writes a term or phrase that refers to the given operation.

Ex more than, increased by, plus, added to

d) Within 2 minutes, each group has to write as many terms or phrases as they can. Afterwards, teacher checks and counts the correct answers.

e) Repeat the same process with subtraction, multiplication and division.

f) The group with the most number of correct answers wins.

2. Motivation

a) Let the pupils name the different Presidents of the Philippine from Emilio Aguinaldo to Noynoy Aquino. Show them the pictures of the different presidents and let them identify each.

b) Ask: What expression describes Emilio Aguinaldo?

(The President of the First Philippine Republic)

What expression describes Manuel L. Quezon?

(President of the Philippine Commonwealth) etc.

Ask the same questions with other Presidents.

c) Why should we remember our past Presidents?

d) If we use expressions to describe the Presidents, we also use expressions in Mathematics, to describe relationships between numbers and the operations being used.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Use the Numerical Expressions - Math 6 Module (Powerpoint Presentation for Interactive Whiteboard)

Present the lesson using the activity cards below:

a. Activity 1 - Use of Chart

Study the chart below.




(Four times ten) divided by five

(4 x 10) ÷ 5

Twelve diminished by two

12 — 2

(Six times three) added to seven

7 + (6 x 3)

Eight added to the product of five and three

8 + (3 x 5)

Twenty five added to two

25 + 2

(Three times twenty-five) less twenty

(3 x 25) - 20

Thirty-six divided by six; 36 has how many 6

36 ÷ 6

(Thirty-nine added to three) divided by seven

(39+3) ÷ 7

Ask: What are the mathematical terms used in the phrases? What terms denote addition? subtraction? multiplication? division?

b. Activity 2 - "Create Your Own" (By Pairs)

1) Each student in class thinks of 3 mathematical phrases involving at least 2 operations. (Use only whole numbers.)

Ex. 25 more than the product of 6 and 41

Product of the sum and difference of 8 and 5

2) Then he/she exchanges with a partner and translates the mathematical phrases into expressions.

3) Check answers.

2. Practice Exercises

Write an expression for the following:

1) your age less three

2) your age plus nine

3) your age plus twice your age

4) thrice your age

5) your age plus your seatmate's age

3. Generalization

What is an expression?

How do you translate word phrases into an expression?

C. Application

Write an expression for the following:

1) In a film showing sponsored by the dramatic club, a ticket is P50 for nonmembers. The cost is P5 more for members.

2) The ticket in a boat for adult in going to the province is P1700. The cost for children is half the price of the adult.

3) The cost of a salted egg is P6.50. If one buys a dozen, each egg cost P6.

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Which expression is correct? Choose between A or B.

1. The sum of eleven and nineteen.

A. 11 x 19 B. 11 + 19

2. Eight decreased by five

A. 8 - 5 B. 8 x 5

3. Twelve plus thirty-six

A. 12 + 36 B. 12 x 36

4. Five less than seven

A. 5 x 7 B. 7 - 5

5. Four times the sum of two and five

A. 4 x (2 + 5) B. 4 x (5 - 2)

Direction: Write the expression for the following.

1. Seventy-five decreased by five

2. Fourteen divided by the sum of three and four

3. Triple the sum of eleven and six

4. One more than the product of six and eight

5. Twenty plus five less than eighty

Direction: Write an expression for each problem/situation.

1. Helen is thirteen years old. Helen's father is four years more than twice her age.

2. Edna is 155 cm. tall. Lilia's height is ten cm. less then twice Edna's height.

3. Roman weighs 25 kg. His father weighs five kg. less than three times Roman's weight.

4. Francis is ten years old. Ben is twice as old as Francis.

5. Aning is five years old. I am six years more than thrice her age.

V. Assignment

Write five examples of mathematical phrases with their corresponding translation to numerical expressions.